Drain Service & Inspection

When you have to wake up in the middle of the night to see clogged drains, it’s an emergency!

Clogged drains have been forever the most common issue with plumbing. Kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and everywhere else where there are drains, chances of clogging always prevails. Clogged toilets can be your worst nightmare of all. Whilst it’s always convenient to pour some chemical cleaning agent into the drain, you have to do it regularly to avoid frequent problems. However, if you ever forget, chances are that your house could really turn into a mess.

You want that drain unclogged as soon as possible performing a camera inspection is the best way to get started. At Porter Plumbing & Sewer Service, we utilize a variety of tools and procedures to fix all of your plumbing problems. One such procedure we use with great results is video camera inspection, where we use our state of the art camera equipment and extensive up-to-date knowledge to visually identify what is clogging your household pipes or sewer line and discover how best to remove it quickly and effectively. Using this procedure we can also make informed recommendations regarding the care of the pipe or line in order to avoid recurring problems.